Clothes For Kids in Family Photos

Rugrats, little tackers, munchkins, tin lids… or whatever name you choose for your offspring, need some consideration when choosing their photo outfits. If your little one has been blessed, they might have more cute outfits than they could ever possibly manage to wear before they grow out of them, so trying to dress them for the family photo shoot might prove well – a little trying.  Never fear. Here are some tips for getting your children styled up and ready to go.

1 Choose solid colours over character shirts and logo-wear. Their face should draw attention rather than the print on their shirt.

2 Go for comfortable but a bit dressy. Have a spare outfit just in case. (My toddler wanted a drink just before our turn for the school fundraising photo and he thought it would be funny to spit the water out over his grey knit shirt and I didn’t have a spare as it was a quick in and out session-the photos still annoy me)

3 Involve them in choosing clothes from a selection you have curated. If they insist on a favourite outfit and it’s not too crazy maybe, you can work around it and have the Bluey shirt underneath so it’s just visible. Of course, in years to come you might like to be reminded of the shoes they wore 24/7 for a time.

4 Make sure the outfit covers the nappy.

5 Keep the tatty rabbit hidden behind your child and take a few photos at the end with the toy.

6 Use a reward to encourage good behaviour and remind them during the course of the photo shoot.  Eg after we take some photos we will go and get some ice-cream… It’s almost time to get some ice-cream.


But, ultimately, it’s less about the clothes and more about how you all interact together as a family. Good luck. I’ll be cheering you on.



Clothes for Dads in Family Photos…


What to Wear for Your Pen & Lens Family Photoshoot.